Welcome to Class 3


Your teacher is: Mrs Holmes

Your Teaching Assistant is: Mrs Stringer

Student Teacher: Miss Atwal

If you need to contact me, please email me using the address: class3@geo.srscmat.co.uk

I will do my best to respond within 48 hours, during working hours of 8am-5pm Monday to Friday.

We will keep this page updated with lots of things to help you learn.

We will upload your knowledge organisers for each subject to help you learn more at home and we will upload lots of pictures of our work so that you can show your parents!

Letters and Other Important Documents

Year 1 Curriculum Plan 24 25

Year 1 Meet And Greet Presentation October 2024

Class 3 Curriculum Letter Advent Term 2024

Class 3 Curriculum Letter Lent Term 2025

Our Behaviour Video – we can show you how to correctly follow the rules!

Supporting my child at home

Please find a selection of items to support your child further at home during Year 1.

How to say our Phonics sounds

Information about the Phonics Screening Check

Read, Write, Inc Youtube Channel

Common Exception Words to know by the end of Year 1

Here’s a website with 3 free games you can play if you want to! 


Busy Things


Looking for more stories to read or listen to?

Have a look at Sooper books!

PE Days

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday so make sure you aren’t wearing anything too tricky to change and that you’ve not got any earrings in on those days.


We will be sending homework out on a Monday and we will collect it in on a Friday. Please make sure you complete this in pencil only.

Reading Books

Reading books will match your new RWI group so they will get changed either daily or every 3 or 5 days.

We will still collect your reading diary in every Monday though so that we can keep track of how much you’re reading at home – remember, it should be at least 5 times a week!

You can move through our reading stars and hopefully get a prize when you reach the top, not to mention weekly house points.

* We are now also visiting Blagreaves Library in our Read Write Inc groups on some Wednesdays across the term. We will tell you in advance when your day is so you can remember to bring your book back to school to go and swap it! *

(That doesn’t mean you can’t visit yourself in the meantime to get more books!)

Our Golden Rules

At St. George’s we expect all children to be well behaved and ready to learn. Remember that each new term is a fresh start. Here is a reminder of our school rules so that you know what we expect from you.

Treat other people how you would like to be treated.

Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.

Always do as you are told straight away.

Play your part in keeping our school clean and tidy.

If you have nothing nice to say – say nothing at all.

Respect other people and their property.

Walk around school quietly, on the left and in single file.

More information about our class and Year 1 in general can be found below but first, here’s an example of how busy we are in Class 3!

Writing about the 3 little pigs!

Naming flowers we already know

Sharing equally in Maths 

Making paintbrushes and animal homes from God’s wonderful World! 

Our Curriculum and Knowledge Organisers

Talk for Writing and Read Write Inc.

To teach the children reading and writing we will be following the Read Write Inc scheme. These are daily lessons that teach the children phonics, writing, reading and basic comprehension skills. The children will have a book they will focus on and all their learning will be based on the book they are reading. Your child may not be taught by their class teacher during these sessions.

We also teach separate Talk for Writing lessons. Talk for Writing is a writing scheme written and designed by Pie Corbett. The children are taught a specific text over 3 – 4 weeks. During this time the children learn a text and then adapt and change this text to create their own. The children really enjoy learning new texts and creating actions to help them remember. Ask your child at home to perform their text map to you.

This half term we are learning and adapting ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ but changing it slightly to have different characters and then we will write our own diary entry as if we were one of the characters on the boat!

Practice our story map at home! 


Throughout school we follow the Big Maths programme. We do daily CLIC (Counting, Learn It’s, It’s Nothing New and Calculation) sessions where the children learn basic number skills. Within these lessons we are trying to develop counting skills, fluency and mastery within Maths. Mastery is focusing on deepening the children’s knowledge and challenging them to apply their previously gained knowledge to new situations and problems.


In RE we follow the Come and See programme which has been recommended by the Bishop and written by various Catholic educators throughout our Diocese and across the country. We are also trialling aspects of the revised RE curriculum, due to be statutory in schools from September 2025.

Therefore, this term’s topics include: Galilee to Jerusalem (trial) and ‘Changes’. Throughout the year the children also have the opportunity to study different faiths and understand how different people live out their religion.

Throughout their RE lessons the children are encouraged to ask questions and explore their understanding of the teachings within the Bible. The children hear different Bible stories and are provided with the time to ‘wonder’ and ‘reflect’ on the meanings of these stories and how God’s word is relevant to us today. Ask your child about their learning in RE and ask them to think about any questions they may have relating to their current RE topic.

Within class we have a focus table. Once a week the children take ownership of their own worship and work together as a team to lead the collective worship for the rest of their class.

Waiting Knowledge Organiser

Change Knowledge Organiser

H&H Knowledge Organiser

 Neighbours Knowledge Organiser

 Being Sorry Knowledge Organiser

RSE/PHSE/Catholic Social Teaching

We will continue to be using the TenTen resources for RSE, and a programme called 1 decision to teach PHSE. We will also be learning more about how to put our faith in action through Catholic Social Teaching (Caritas) lessons.

History, Geography and Science

This term we will develop our understanding of History as we look at significant events and people from both within and beyond our living memory.

What Is History Knowledge Organiser C3

Neil Armstrong And 1st Man On The Moon Knowledge Organiser

Queen Elizabeth II Knowledge Organiser

First Aeroplane Flight Knowledge Organiser

 The Plague Knowledge Organiser

In Geography we will continue to learn about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and look at the 5 oceans and 7 continents of the World.

What Is Geography And Locality Knowledge Organiser

UK Knowledge Organiser

Oceans And Continents Knowledge Organiser

In Science, we will develop our learning about plants, trees, animals, materials, healthy living and electricity.

Science Advent Term Knowledge Organiser

Science Knowledge Organiser Lent 1 

Science Knowledge Organiser For Lent 2


It’s super important to make sure are feeling happy, safe and healthy! Here’s a couple of packs to help you support your emotional well-being!

Emotional Support Pack

Emotional Wellbeing Pack 2

The continuing importance of hand washing

The importance of hand washing

Listen to stories online

You can now listen to authors reading their own books via Youtube. How exciting! Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions on the web page.

Authors Reading Stories


We are going to be listening to different pieces of music.

What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong. This is from the 20th Century and is popular music. 

Trepak from the Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky. This is romantic music. 

Mars from the Planets by Gustav Holst. This is from the 20th Century. 

Overture from William Tell by Rossini. This is classical music. 

Under the Sea by Alan Menken. This is popular/film music (and is from one of Mrs Holmes’ favourite films!! 

Silver Spider by Evelyn Glennie

Have a listen and perhaps you could play them whilst you complete your homework each week!

Or you could complete this table whilst you’re listening!