Welcome to Class 11’s page.

Class Teacher: Mrs Shooter

Teaching Assistants: Miss Ball & Mr Ablewhite

Welcome to the Lent term. I hope you all had a wonderful and well-deserved break. We are so excited to get back into our learning!

Upper Juniors Lent Term Newsletter 2025

Upper Juniors Advent Term Newsletter 2024

Please familiarise yourself with our timetable and read the UKS2 newsletter for information. There are also lots of other bits and bobs for you too, if you keep scrolling.

This is the class email address to email me with any questions or important information. I will be unable to reply within the school day but will do so within 48 hours (except for weekends and holidays)


Our Class 11 Rules Video!

Letters and other important documents

Advent Newsletter 2024

Upper Juniors Advent Term Newsletter 2024

Also, if you haven’t already, I would recommend that you join St.George’s Facebook and Twitter pages as these always have lots of up to date information too.

Knowledge Organisers

These are full of useful information to help with homework and for extra revisits of learning. We use them in school and are a handy aid for children to retrieve relevant facts to help them understand a topic.

RE – Loving

RE – Vocation and Commitment

RE Sources Knowledge Organiser




Sticky Knowledge

This is information (questions and answers) that the children will have been taught in Humanities and science lessons and revisited throughout the year. They will be tested on it in July 2024.

Science Useful Knowledge
History Useful Knowledge
Geography Useful Knowledge


It is important that all of you read at home at least 5 times a week and fill in your reading record to bring in every Monday. I cannot stress the importance of this and can I thank all of the parents in advance.

Please click the link to access “My Book Blog” for your class
My Book Blog Login Page

Listen to Stories Online!

You can now listen to authors reading their own books via Youtube. How exciting! Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions on the web page.

Authors Reading Stories


We use Talk 4 Writing to deliver our English teaching. It is an interactive and scaffolded approach to English which is having great results in school. For more info see the Curriculum page for English (also on the school website!).


Knowing your times tables is really important as they effect so much of the curriculum. By the end of Year 4, you should know them all up to 12 x 12 automatically without counting. It is important to keep practising these times tables so you don’t forget them and TTRockstars is a great tool for this! Even 5 minutes a day will help you so much with your maths!

TT Rockstars – Online portal for kids to learn their times tables

Please use the website below to revisit any spelling rules and practise just like it is set out in class. There is also some extra resources for maths and reading. Take a look!


Username: St Gs 11 (Don’t forget the spaces!)

Password: StGeorges

In maths we are using the column methods for the four operations. Here are some examples:


Always line the digits up using place value

Don’t forget to add the carry overs

Always write the addition symbol so that you don’t forget your calculation


Always line the digits up using place value

Always write the subtraction symbol

If you cannot take one number from the other, borrow one from the next column.


Always line the digits up using place value

Always ADD the carried numbers

When you are multiplying by 2d number, always put the place holder ‘0’ to help you multiply by the tens digit.

If you are multiplying by 3d number , always put two place holder ‘0’s to help you multiply by 100.


If there is a remainder, carry it over to the next column

Use your times table facts to help you divide each digit

Long Division:

Long division works by dealing with the largest column 1st – in the case below the 8 (800).

How many times does 4 go into 8? … from the 4 times table ..2 x 4 = 8. Write the 2 above the 8 and the result, 8, is written below the 8.

Work out the remainder by subtracting 8 from 8, 8-8=0 Now bring the 5 down to make 05 the next number to divide into.

How many times does 4 go into 5? … from the 4 times table ..1 x 4 = 4. Write the 1 above the 5 and the result, 4, is written below the 5.

Work out the remainder by subtracting 4 from 5, 5-4=1 Now bring the 6 down to make 16 the next number to divide into.

How many times does 4 go into 16? … from the 4 times table ..4 x 4 = 16. Write the 4 above the 6 and the result, 16, is written below the 16.

Finally, subtract 16 from 16, 16-16=0, which means that there is no remainder.

The answer is 214 with no remainder.

Emotional support pack

Emotional Support Pack.pdf
Click this link and sign up to Ten Ten Resources. Take this opportunity to pray daily praising God for all that we are thankful for and pray for all the people who are finding life hard at the moment.
Century Home learner introduction

Busy Things – Free Resources

Busy Things Letter

For access from home all you need to do is visit: busythings.co.uk

login: home00090

password: pupil