Welcome to St George’s Online Library
At St George’s, we are passionate about promoting a love of reading. We enjoy story time everyday in our classes and staff even spend time throughout the year swapping classes for story time so they are able to enjoy sharing a book with other children in school.
We have a group of Key Stage 2 children who form our reading team. They work closely with Mrs O’Brien to support children with their reading across school. They are in charge of running our school library and later this year they will talk to school about things like World Book Day, as well as other competitions and reading activities they have planned.
Here, you will find resources and web links to support your reading for pleasure at home. You will also see regular updates of what we have been up to in school!

World Book Day 2023
We have had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! Class 11 started the day with a fantastic assembly and quiz. Then, in our classes decorated t-shirts with our favourite stories and had the chance to share our favourite books with our class. In KS2, children had the chance to write and publish their own stories, keep your eyes peeled as soon you will be able to purchase them. Finally, we really enjoyed sharing in a story time with a different teacher in school. Take a look at what we got up to:
Author Visits
Virtual Visit from S.F. Said!
We have had a fantastic afternoon listening and talking to S.F Said – author of Varjak Paw and Phoenix. He inspired us all to persevere with our own writing adventures and gave us hints and tips on how to get into writing a new story idea. We have copies of his books on our shelves at school and study Varjak Paw in year 5 and 6!

Free Online Books
Sooper books
Sooper books is a website where you can access a wide range of story books for all ages, all for free! When you choose a book you have the option to read it yourself or have someone read it to you, so it’s great for story times.
Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl is a website that allows you to read books for all ages online – from age 3-11 years. If you register during lockdown, you can read them for free! It is a great resource if you have currently completed your school book and looking for something new while learning at home.
RWI Books
This website is for accessing all RWI Ebooks online for those children on the RWI programme.
The National Oak Academy
This website is offering one free book to read each week online. They are selecting an author, uploading a book written by them to read, plus activities that can be done based on the book, with an interview of the author!
Epic Online Library
Parents get a 30 day free trial to online reading book s. All you need to do is sign up and away you go!
BookTrust offer free books that can be read online, listened to, or signed.
Recommended Reads
Are you looking for a new journey to go on? Click the link below to find top recommended reads for your age group!
My Book Blog
If you need more Book Blog books to read, why not raid your book shelves and see if you have any books that are available to blog? The link to check which books you can blog about is below. Please note: you cannot order from this site as it is for school use only.
Listen to Authors Online!
You can now listen to authors reading their own books via Youtube. How exciting! Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions on the web page.