Parish Community

Our Parish Priests

Canon Alan Burbidge

Canon Alan Burbidge

Fr Jude

Fr Jude

Fr Peter

Fr Peter

Prayer for the Beginning of the New School Year

Lord God, bless our school as we enter a new academic year.

May ours be a community of welcome and hope. Watch over our pupils

– so that they grow in understanding and love. Encourage our staff

– so that their service reveals your generosity and mercy.

Inspire our leaders – so that their actions show your wisdom and justice.

Loving Father, through the Trinity you teach us the importance of relationship,

help us work together to accomplish your mission:

that all your children may have life to the full.


This year, Education Sunday takes place on Sunday 10th September 2023. To mark this event, we invite all families to join us to celebrate at Mass at St George’s at 9.30am. We look forward to seeing you there!

This year, we are looking forward to completing phase pilgrimages to St George’s church once again. It’s a wonderful opportunity to further open their hearts to God and experience the feelings and emotions a pilgrimage can bring.

We will also be once again celebrating our Christmas Carol Concert at St George’s Church on Wednesday 20th December 2023.