Our School Parliament aims to ensure our children have
- A safe, happy and fair learning environment
- A forum to voice their concerns and act upon them
- A structured opportunity to learn problem-solving skills
- An opportunity to take an active role in the organisation of the school
- An opportunity to experience a democratic process
Why have a School Parliament?
Having an effective school parliament, which involves the whole school, is beneficial to the whole community and also individuals as it gives children a say in matters that affect their school and wider lives. It helps our school develop into a caring community where pupils, teachers and parents/carers work in partnership towards shared goals. Being part of the school Parliament develops active learning of important life skills.
- Helps develop responsible attitudes
- Speaking and listening skills
- Teamwork
- Problem-solving
- Moral reasoning skills
- Develops self-esteem and self-confidence
Class elections will be held every year in September so that different representatives can put forward their election speeches. Two candidates will be elected from each class in KS2 and Year 2 – one male and one female. The first meeting of the year will assign roles and vote for a Year 5 Trust Parliament member who will represent the school for two years.
- Two representatives from each KS2 class and Year 2 classes.
- One Year 5 and one year 6 representative from the elected Parliament to attend Trust Parliament meetings three times a year with representatives from the other 25 schools.
Link Teacher- Mrs Archer
- An agenda is to be organised by the link teacher
- Minutes will be recorded by the children with support of the teacher.
- Class Forums will take place twice a term and minutes of these forums will be brought to parliament meetings to discuss.
It is a very responsible job, and School Parliament Members will share information with their class, and get ideas and views from pupils by talking.