Welcome to Class 5

Teacher: Mr Annable

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Groves

Learning Parliament Representatives: 

                     Rohn                    Erin

If you have any questions / queries, Please email me at:

class5@geo.srscmat.co.uk and I will respond as soon as possible.


Important dates for the Pentecost term:


Thursday 25th April – Class Assembly 

 Friday 14th June – Y2 Trip

Pentecost Term Curriculum Letter

Useful Links and Documents

MyBookBlog Login Link

Please follow this link to access My Book Blog.

Take a look at our Timetable for Class 5!

Ways to support your child at home

Supporting your Child with Reading

Supporting your Child with Spelling the Common Exception Words

Numbots Login

Please ensure you read at least 4-5 times with your child .

Those children who read 5 times per week will be rewarded by moving up on our Reading Wall where there are lots of exciting prizes to be won.

Please ensure Homework is completed and handed in every Friday.

Take a look at Class 5’s behaviour expectation video showing you how amazing our behaviour and attitude is.

Please see Class 5’s Curriculum Map for this year below.

Year 2 Curriculum Plan 23 24

Reading (Read Write Inc)

Read Write Inc will be continuing now children are back in school. Children will have daily sound lessons which will support basic reading as well as comprehension. Please continue to read with your child at home at least 4-5 times per week.


In our Talk for Writing lessons this term, we will be focusing on spelling, punctuation, grammar and basic skills which will support children as we move into our next unit of work; Jack and The Beanstalk (See story below)

Please support your child by revisiting the story map with them regularly, practising tenses and basic punctuation.
Please practice learning our story map – This is also stuck into your child’s Homework Book.


This half term in maths, we will be revisiting and developing our knowledge of place value as well as the four operations, (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.)

Also, as part of maths homework, please ensure you engage with Numbots and TTRockstars on a regular basis. There will be certificates each week to celebrate our super mathematicians in Achievement Act of Worship.


In RE this half term, we will be looking at the topics: Beginnings, Signs & Symbols, Judaism and Preparations.

Please support your child by revisiting the topic by reading through their Knowledge Organisers, that can also be found in their Knowledge Organiser Book or below.


We will continue to be using the TenTen resources for RSE, and a programme called 1 Decision to teach PHSE and Caritas. We also use Equaliteach to incorporate more of our Fundamental British Values.


In Science, we are developing our Scientific skills such as observing, predicting, investigating and proving through a range of areas of Science. Looking at our Learning Journey, we have learnt lots about plants and trees using good vocabulary such as deciduous and evergreen. Over the next term, we will be learning all about materials, light, animal groups and also how to make a basic electrical circuit. We will regularly revisit all of these areas to ensure we remember what we learn.

Please see Science Knowledge Organisers below and read through them to revisit learning.

History and Geography

Within History we are looking at: Martin Luther King & Rosa Parks and their impact on the Civil Rights Movemement. We will also be revisiting our learning on Neil Armstrong and discussing the space race. Recently, we have been delving into the life of Ibn Battuta, comparing how he is an explorer just like Neil Armstrong.

In Geography we are having a focus on world maps. We will be looking at labelling key areas on a world map, as well as revisiting knowledge on the continents and oceans. We have also focused on each of the UK capitals and famous landmarks within each of the major cities. Below you can find knowledge organisers for these topics to discuss with children at home.

Please also spend time with your child revisiting previous topics; Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and the First Aeroplane Flight. World Maps, Continents and Oceans, London, Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff


This term we will be looking at Carnival of the animals Saint-Saens from the ‘Romantic Period and the well known Zadok the Priest Handel from the Baroque period.

We continue to sing in our lessons as well as learn all about beat, tempo and rhythm, all of which will help as we begin to compose pieces of music.