
Welcome to Music at St George’s!

Curriculum Intent – How we are developing our children to fulfil their potential as Musicians.

Children at St George’s have a very unique opportunity to demonstrate their musical talents. We are extremely proud of the programme we offer along with the results. We are a Music Mark School, which represents the top percentile of schools in Derby and Derbyshire in the deliverance of Music.

Our Music Curriculum from year 1-6 is predominately delivered by teachers from the Derby Music Partnership (DMP).

In Foundation Stage, children listen to many different genres of music, describing how this music makes them feel. They begin to sing as well as exploring a range of music through play, including using a range of percussion instruments.

As children move into KS1, they continue to listen to a range of music from different genres, both modern day and from the past (see composers document below). Children predominately sing in their lessons. This supports children in understanding the different vocabulary which is important as they enter the juniors. Children begin to compose different pieces using a range of instrument, thinking about the rhythm, beat, pitch and tempo.

In KS2, we are extremely fortunate that all children learn an instrument – the violin! In Lower Juniors, children learn the basics of the violin, whilst learning a range musical pieces. This progresses into the Upper Juniors when children master some of the skills previously taught on the violin.

All children have the opportunity to perform throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to show off the skills children have developed throughout their time at St George’s. We always love listening to the children sing and play!

Over the past few years, children in KS2 have had the fantastic opportunity to play with the Halle Orchestra, which is a huge privilege for all involved.

Children also have the opportunity to further their knowledge and skills in violin in the after school club, expertly run by one of our Music Teachers from the DMP. Children have the opportunity to perform to large audiences and in some cases, begin to take grades.

All children are exposed to a range of composers, past and modern day. We strongly encourage children to use high level vocabulary to describe the songs, considering the instruments they hear as well as tempo, beat and rhythm etc.


DMP run after school clubs on a Wednesday for those children who wish to further develop their violin skills. Please contact the school office or DMP directly if you would like to book your child on to this.  They have opportunities to perform to the rest of the school, concerts and even earn credits towards grades and exams. It is a fantastic opportunity!

We are delighted to be recognised nationally as a 'Music Mark' School.

Below is a list of composers outlining the range of genres children are exposed to throughout each year.