
The role of the Local Governing Body at St George’s

The Board will establish local governing bodies (LGBs) to carry out some of its academy level governance functions. The Board constitutes local governing bodies (LGB). These are also committees of The Board. The Board delegates some of its academy level monitoring and scrutinising functions to the LGBs, and uses these committees to:

  • promote the vision of the Catholic Multi-Academy Trust Company;
  • promote and develop Catholic Life;
  • monitor the school development plan;
  • support and challenge the principal/headteacher;
  • maintain and develop relationships with staff, parents and the parish community
  • ensure arrangements for safeguarding pupils and staff in the academy are fully compliant with statutory requirements.

The Board will approve the appointment of the Chair of the LGB. The Chair and Vice Chair must be foundation governors. The LGB is responsible for ensuring that there are two parent governors and that all reasonable steps are taken to fill any vacancy for the position of parent governor, appointing to the post only where it has not been possible to fill the post through an election process open to any present parent or the legal guardian of a child at the academy. There will be a minimum of six local governors of whom two will be parent governors, the remainder will be foundation governors appointed by the Bishop of Nottingham. All foundation governors will be practising Catholics unless the Bishop of Nottingham allows special dispensation. A local governor term of office will be normally be four years, with a maximum of 3 consecutive terms at the same academy. Any parish priest appointed as a foundation governor shall not be subject to this restriction and shall be able to serve such terms as are required. A local governor may serve more than 3 consecutive terms if these are not at the same academy.

How does it work?

The whole Governing Body meets at half termly intervals (and sometimes more often) to discuss what is happening at school and plan strategically for the future.

Communication with the Governing Body

As a Governing Body we recognise the need for good lines of communication between the parents, pupils, staff, parish, Governing Body and other people who are interested in our school.

We would also encourage you to regularly visit the Governing Body area of this website to find out about more about how the Governing Body works. Of course you may also write to the Chair of Governors (via the school address) at any time.

Chair of Governors

The governing body elects a Chair of Governors every two years. Our Chair is Karan Daniel and our Vice Chair is Canon Alan Burbidge. Both can be contacted via email to

Governors Register of Interest and Attendance Record

NameRoleDate of appointmentDate stepped downExpiry of Current TermBusiness and Pecuniary InterestsAttendance at Meetings 2023/2024
Canon Alan BurbidgeFoundation Governor01/09/201931/8/2027None3/6
Godwin KudawooFoundation Governor01/09/201931/8/2027None4/6
Karen DanielChair of Governors01/10/202130/09/2025None5/6
David BoothParent Governor20/04/202119/04/2025None5/6
Donato MaffioneFoundation Governor and Vice Chair13/02/202331/1/2027None5/6
Ceilidh SherlockParent Governor1/09/202312/10/2027None4/6

Information on our Current Governors

Chair of Governors – Karen Daniel

I am thankful for the big part that my Catholic faith, the Roman Catholic schools and the church community has had in my children’s growth and development over the years. I worship at both St George’s and St Mary’s Catholic Churches, I have always been amazed by the school staff’s dedication, passion, quality standards, work ethic, care and support given to pupils, parents and carers. I felt proud to be a parent governor at Saint Benedict Catholic Voluntary Academy and I feel honored to have been asked to become a Foundation Governor. I work in the mental health, safeguarding and psychotherapy field and I am passionate about contributing to the life of St George’s Catholic Voluntary Academy’s students. 


 Vice-Chair – Canon Alan Burbidge – Foundation Governor

Fr Alan has been a Foundation Governor at St Georges for 27 years. Fr Alan’s current role is that of Vice Chair having served 22 years as Chair.  Fr Alan is a regular visitor to the school, spending time with staff, parents and pupils.  Fr Alan role includes Pastoral care and supporting the Catholic life of the School.  Parish life keeps Fr Alan very busy; the parish has a large outreach programme looking after the Travelling Community and the large, diverse Catholic Community in Derby.

Foundation Governor – Godwin Kudawoo

Godwin Kudawoo is a retired Health Safety and Environmental Consultant who has worked in industry. He has had experience as a Parent Governor during the primary school years of his children who are now in their late thirties / early forties. He has eleven grandchildren.

During his years in industry, he was a mentor in the local primary school while working in the South West.

Godwin was commissioned as a Key Catechist while working in St Joseph the Worker in Luton. He assisted in preparing confirmation groups of students for many years in Luton. He was a Reader in St Joseph’s, St Martin de Porres and Holy Ghost Parishes in Luton. Having retired to Derby, he has been commissioned as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for St Joseph’s and St George’s Parishes, Derby.

Godwin’s Personal Statement

I have been blessed with watching my grandchildren grow. I have seen at first hand, the dedication of their teachers. I feel honoured to have been asked to become a Foundation Governor. I worship at St Joseph’s and St George’s where I am an altar server, a Eucharistic Minister and a Reader. Having seen the dedication of the team at St George’s Academy, I would like to make a contribution from my life experiences into the lives of the students. I believe that education ultimately points to God. My Roman Catholic faith gives me the desire to make an input that will help lead the children closer to the Lord Jesus.

Parent Governor – David Booth

David has worked for Rolls-Royce for over 20 years in Engineering. He has an MSc degree and a BEng (Hons) degree. He is a logical thinker, has a talent for problem solving and works well with others. David is sociable, considerate and has a wide variety of sporting and social interests. He became a Parent Governor in April 2021 to utilise his skills and capabilities to benefit the school. David has a son at the school.

Foundation Governor – Donato Maffione

I joined Saint George’s CVA team of governors at end of 2022.

My wife and I have two daughters, our elder has previously studied at  St. George’s while the younger is still attending.  Over the years, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the excellent staff at school and admired their professionalism and dedication to our child in a so challenging environment. Our family is very proud that our daughters had the opportunity to be at Saint George’s and grow in this great environment.

I am a professional engineer and have worked for Rolls-Royce for over 18 years. I am ready to use my personal and work experience to contribute to the life of St George’s school and students. Saint George’s is an outstanding school and I believe that working along with the team will make our school a great place for our children.

Parent Governor – Ceilidh Sherlock