
Curriculum Intent – How we are developing our children to fulfil their potential as Mathematicians.

At St Georges we use the ‘Big Maths’ scheme- which is a systematic and structured approach to ensure all children become numerate and then become fully rounded mathematicians. At the heart of this structure are the detailed sequences of learning through progress drives. Big Maths ensures every child has a solid foundation of Core Knowledge before they start to use and apply it to wider mathematical concepts such as shape, fractions etc. Recognising the evidence of ‘Cognitive Load Theory’, Big Maths helps to manage the load and maintain balance between working and long-term memory

Policy and Progression Documents

Big MathsHow do we get children properly numerate as they journey through school?

The Maths curriculum at St George’s can be summarised in the diagram below:

Maths at home

At St George’s, all children have access to a variety of websites to help them practice their mathematical skills at home. You can find links below to; Times Tables Rock Stars, NumBots & Big Maths.

Times Table ideas for parents and home

Times Tables Club

On a Thursday lunchtime, Mrs Archer and some of our Year 5 children run a Times Table club. The Year 5 children play games and support our Year 4 children in learning their times tables, ahead of taking their multiplication check in the summer. The children really enjoy these sessions and find them really helpful.

Our Maths Learning Environment