Welcome to Class 10
Class Teacher: Miss Jukka
T.As:  Mr Coupland & Miss Johnson

Happy New Year. We are so happy to have you all back in school after the Christmas holidays. Hope you are well rested for a new term ahead!

Below, I have included some really important bits and pieces to help you to understand our timetable, our learning for the year and our UKS2 Newsletter which will give you some key information about our learning this year!

If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me on our class email address which is class10@stgeorges.derby.sch.uk I will do my very best to respond to you as quickly as I can (and definitely within 48 hours) but please note that I will be unable to respond within the school day so if your query is urgent, please contact the office in the first instant and they will get a message to me.

Miss Jukka, Mr Coupland & Miss Johnson

Our Class

Class 10 Profile

Letters and other important documents

Pentecost 2024 Newsletter

UKS2 Pentecost Term Newsletter 2024

Lent 2024 Newsletter

UKS2 Lent Newsletter 2024

Advent 2023 Newsletter

Advent Newsletter

Curriculum Map 2023/24

Curriculum Plan UPKS2 23 24

Our Class

Class 10 Profile

Letters and other important documents

Pentecost Newsletter

UKS2 Pentecost Term Newsletter 2024

Lent 2024 Newsletter

UKS2 Lent Newsletter 2024

Advent 2023 Newsletter

Advent Newsletter

Curriculum Map 2023/24

Curriculum Plan UPKS2 23 24

Our Behaviour Video

Our Timetable 2023-24

Our welcome display

Our welcome display shows our acts of service. We are holding our everyday acts of service in our hands to show we want to share this with everyone we meet.


Our focus in RE changes on a four weekly basis. Can you remember some of our focus scriptures and the Bible stories we have been using? Can you tell your parents what they are?

Knowledge Organisers


We continue to support all children through TenTen resources for RSE and a programme called 1 decision to teach PHSE.


Check out the link below – it will tell you all about how we go about developing our writing in school using “Talk For Writing”



Reading is so important for us to learn. We can find out about lots of exciting things. Whatever topic you enjoy whether it is: space, the Greeks or Great Britain, you can learn everything there is to know about it through your reading.

Delve into a great story and be taken away to a different land! Stories also help our imagination and creativity.

Please try to read at least 5 times a week and fill in your reading record to bring in on Monday. It will help help set you up with the skills and knowledge to learn to your full potential!

Below is the link to My Book Blog:

If you need more Book Blog books to read, why not raid your book shelves and see if you have any books that are available to blog? The link to check which books you can blog about is below. Please note: you cannot order from this site as it is for school use only.

My Book Blog
MyBB Link for Class Page

Big Maths

In maths, we are using column methods for the four operations. Here are some examples:


Always line the digits up using place value

Don’t forget to add the carry overs

Always write the addition symbol so that you don’t forget your calculation


Always line the digits up using place value

Always write the subtraction symbol

If you cannot take one number from the other, borrow one from the next column.


Always line the digits up using place value

Always ADD the carried numbers

When you are multiplying by 2d number, always put the place holder ‘0’ to help you multiply by the tens digit.

If you are multiplying by 3d number , always put two place holder ‘0’s to help you multiply by 100.


If there is a remainder, carry it over to the next column.

Use your times table facts to help you divide each digit.

Long Division:

Long division works by dealing with the largest column 1st – in the case below the 8 (800).

How many times does 4 go into 8? … from the 4 times table ..2 x 4 = 8. Write the 2 above the 8 and the result, 8, is written below the 8.

Work out the remainder by subtracting 8 from 8, 8-8=0 Now bring the 5 down to make 05 the next number to divide into.

How many times does 4 go into 5? … from the 4 times table ..1 x 4 = 4. Write the 1 above the 5 and the result, 4, is written below the 5.

Work out the remainder by subtracting 4 from 5, 5-4=1 Now bring the 6 down to make 16 the next number to divide into.

How many times does 4 go into 16? … from the 4 times table ..4 x 4 = 16. Write the 4 above the 6 and the result, 16, is written below the 16.

Finally, subtract 16 from 16, 16-16=0, which means that there is no remainder.

The answer is 214 with no remainder.

Times tables

Children need to regularly access Timetable Rockstars.  This is a great source to support regular Timestables practice that can be applied in class.

Times Tables Rockstars

Science, History and Geography

These are full of useful information to help with homework and for extra revisits of learning. We use them in school and aid children to retrieve relevant facts to help them understand the topic.

Knowledge Organisers

Geography Knowledge Organisers
History Knowledge Organisers
Science Knowledge Organisers