Welcome to Class 7
Happy New Year! Welcome back to Class 7!
Below, I have included some really important bits and pieces to help you to understand our timetable, our learning for the year and our LKS2 Newsletter which will give you some key information about our learning this year!
If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me on our class email address which is class7@stgeorges.derby.sch.uk I will do my very best to respond to you as quickly as I can (and definitely within 48 hours) but please note that I will be unable to respond within the school day so if your query is urgent, please contact the office in the first instant and they will get a message to me.
Miss Jukka and Mrs Hussain.
Our Timetable

Revision of Year 1 and 2 Spellings
Year 1 and 2 common exception words
Year 3 and 4 Spellings
Year 3 and 4 common exception words.docx
Useful websites to help your learning:
Read Write Inc
Video lessons focusing on speed set sounds for those children in a RWI reading group
Knowledge Organisers – these are really useful to help us embed many of the things that we have been learning. Take a look for yourselves.
Animals Digestion Knowledge Organiser
Evolution And Inhertitance Knowledge Organiser
States Of Matter Knowledge Organiser
Electricity Knowledge Organiser
Earth And Space Knowledge Organiser
Roman Britain Knowledge Organiser (1)
Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser 1
Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser 2
Geography Knowledge Organiser Cycle 1 Local area and Fieldwork
Geography Knowledge organiser Cycle 3 and 4 UK and Europe
RE – Homes Knowledge Organiser
Set 2 Ddats Handwriting Rhmnbp
Set 3 Ddats Handwriting Kltiuy
Maths Challenge
Test yourself with these fun challenges at home
TT Rockstars
Times tables practise
Remember to “warm-up” and rehearse your times tables in the garage area.
Hit The Button
Jumbled Numbers
Big Maths Log in guide
Big Maths Login!
You can now do your CLIC tests, Beat That! Tests and Safe Challenges online.
Follow the link:
School code: 0029
Username: First name.Surname
Password: Abc123 (Capital A)
Let’s see if you can beat your score each week.