Curriculum Intent – How we are developing our children to fulfil their potential as sportspeople

Welcome to our PE page, here at St George’s we believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital and unique in its contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development and health. The physical education curriculum, Chris Quigley Milestones and DCCT schemes of work aims to provide for pupils’ increasing self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations. A balance of individual, team, co-operative and competitive activities aims to cater for individual pupil’s needs and abilities. The schemes/units of work are based on progressive learning objectives which, combined with varied and flexible teaching styles, endeavor to provide appropriate, stimulating, challenging and enjoyable learning situations for all pupils. The schemes/units of work aim to promote an understanding of the many benefits of exercise, through a balanced range of relevant activities. Physical education is considered as a vehicle to facilitate access to cross-curricular themes, skills and dimensions, rather than a subject concerned exclusively with the acquisition of motor skills and techniques.

Policy Document for PE

PE Policy

Progression Document – Our Curriculum Content

Progression Document 23 24

Knowledge Maps

How our curriculum is sequenced and which pieces of powerful knowledge have been selected for the children to learn

Curriculum And Knowledge Map PE 23-24 KS2

Curriculum And Knowledge Map PE 23-24 FS2 & KS1

School Games Mark

We are delighted to hold the Gold School Games Mark. The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress.

Each School Games Mark application is divided into four sets of questions. They cover the following basic topics:

  • Participation – how many young people at your school are being engaged in sporting activity?
  • Competition – how many different sports are being played and how many competitions are being entered?
  • Workforce – how many pupils are involved in leadership activities alongside taking part in competitions?
  • Clubs – how many local links does your school have with clubs or establishments from the area?


Our children love competing to represent St George’s and to learn new sports. We compete in competitions and festivals against other Derby schools with DCCT. We take part in St Ralph Sherwin Pupil Olympics competitions against schools in our trust. We also have both a boys and girls football team who compete in Derby league.