Class 4


Your Teacher is Mrs Sanders-Day

You can also contact me via the class email address: and I will endeavour to reply during school hours but within 48 hours.  You can contact the School Office should your query be of a more urgent nature.

Your Teaching Assistant is Miss Goodwin

Letters and other important documents

Class 4 Curriculum Letter Lent Term 2025

Year 1 Meet And Greet Presentation October 2024

Class 4 Timetable

General Information

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday so make sure you aren’t wearing any earrings on those days. Also, try to practice getting dressed and undressed at home so we can get to our PE lesson as quickly as possible!

We will be sending homework out on a Monday and we will collect it in on a Friday.

Reading books will match your new RWI group so they will get changed either daily or every 3 or 5 days.

We will still collect your reading diary in every Thursday though so that we can keep track of how much you’re reading at home – remember, it should be at least 5 times a week!

You can move through our reading stars and hopefully get a prize when you reach the top, not to mention weekly house points.

More information about our class and Year 1 in general can be found on our class newsletter below.

Here are some useful links to things that you can use to support your child at home:

Authors Reading Stories
Read, Write, Inc Facebook page

Here are some links to useful learning platforms:

Phonics play has lots of phonics games for your child to access.

Numbots will help your child to become an expert in the recall of number facts.

The login details below will allow your child to practice the weekly tests that we do in class.

School code:  0029

Username:  firstname.surname

Password:  Abc123

Emotional support pack

Emotional Support Pack
This is currently free – you just need to register. These are the books we use at school and all levels are available!
This website has lots of great reading resources 🙂 You need to create an account but it’s free 🙂 All the e-books are tablet-friendly!

Phonics Screening Check Materials



Our ‘Golden Rules’

Watch our behaviour video on the Youtube link above.

At St. George’s we expect all children to be well behaved and ready to learn. Remember that each new term is a fresh start. Here is a reminder of our school rules so that you know what we expect from you.

  • Treat other people how you would like to be treated.
  • Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  • Always do as you are told straight away.
  • Play your part in keeping our school clean and tidy.
  • If you have nothing nice to say – say nothing at all.
  • Respect other people and their property.
  • Walk around school quietly, on the left and in single file.
  • Talk for Writing and Read Write Inc.

To teach the children reading and writing we will be following the Read Write Inc scheme. These are daily lessons that teach the children phonics, writing, reading and basic comprehension skills. The children will have a book they will focus on and all their learning will be based on the book they are reading. Your child may not be taught by their class teacher during these sessions.

This is a photo of our Read Write Inc sound poster. This helps us when we read and write.

We also teach separate Talk for Writing lessons. Talk for Writing is a writing scheme written and designed by Pie Corbett. The children are taught a specific text over 3 – 4 weeks. During this time the children learn a text and then adapt and change this text to create their own. The children really enjoy learning new texts and creating actions to help them remember.

This half term we are learning and adapting ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’.

Story Map


Throughout school we follow the Big Maths programme. We do daily CLIC (Counting, Learn It’s, It’s Nothing New and Calculation) sessions where the children learn basic number skills. Within these lessons we are trying to develop counting skills, fluency and mastery within Maths. Mastery is focusing on deepening the children’s knowledge and challenging them to apply their previously gained knowledge to new situations and problems.


This half term in RE, we will be looking at the topics: Families, Belonging and Waiting. As well as this, we will continue to have our daily acts of worship either as a class or whole school.


We will continue to be using the TenTen resources for RSE, and a programme called 1 decision to teach PHSE.

RE Knowledge Organisers

Being Sorry Knowledge Organiser

Belonging Knowledge Organiser New

Change Knowledge Organiser

Families Knowledge Organiser

HH Knowledge Organiser

Meals Knowledge Organiser

Neighbours Knowledge Organiser

Special People Knowledge Organiser

Waiting Knowledge Organiser New

History, Geography and Science

This term we will introduce the children to History, Geography and Science. In History we will learn about timelines and focus on the main events in our lives so far. In Geography we will learn about simple maps and look at the geography of our local area. In Science, we will learn about plants, trees and animals.

History Knowledge Organisers

First Aeroplane Flight Knowledge Organiser

Neil Armstrong And 1st Man On The Moon Knowledge Organiser

Queen Elizabeth II Knowledge Organiser

The Plague Knowledge Organiser

What Is History

Science Knowledge Organisers

Biology Knowledge Organiser

Science Knowledge Organiser

Geography Knowledge Organisers

Oceans And Continents Knowledge Organiser

UK Knowledge Organiser

What Is Geog And Locality Knowledge Organiser