Welcome to Class 6!


Teacher: Mrs Clowes

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Scott

Learning Parliament Representatives: Victoria & Christopher

Hello, and welcome to our class page!

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Homework will be given out on a Monday and needs to be handed in by the Friday. Children will have their reading book changed at least once per week during their RWI sessions, and their diaries will be checked on a Monday morning. We expect children to read and have their diary signed at least 5 times a week. They will be rewarded with house points for their efforts.

If you need to contact me, please email me using the address: class6@geo.srscmat.co.uk

I will do my best to respond within 48 hours, during working hours of 8am-5pm Monday to Friday.

Class Rules

During our transition days back in July, we wrote our class rules and made a short video showing these rules in action! Take a look:


Class 6 Rules 2023 2024

Letters and Other Important Documents

Year 2 Curriculum Plan 23 24

Pentecost Term Curriculum Letter Class 6

Class Timetable 2023-2024

Ways to support your child at home:

Please find below links to useful documents that can offer some guidance as to how you can support your child at home. They will also give you an understanding of what a year 2 child is expected to know by the end of the year.

You can also find websites that they can go on to, to support their learning and to support your understanding of the year 2 curriculum. Also, you can visit the curriculum pages on the website for more information.

Supporting your child at home

What Will My Child Learn In Year 2?
Reading support
KS1 Common Exception Word List
Read Write Inc channel for daily phonic videos
Busy Things
Log in is in your child’s diary.

NumBots Log in

Times table rock stars
Your children will have their personal log in stuck in their diary. There is also a parent letter to support how to use the website.
Pupil log in for My Book Blog
If you follow this link children will be able to blog about their home reading book.

 CLIC and Beat That’s are online!
0029 school code. username is firstname.surname and password is Abc123

Our Learning Environment


This term, we will be looking at the topics: Books, Thanksgiving, Opportunities. As well as this, we will continue to have our daily acts of worship either as a class or whole school.

Take a look below at our RE knowledge organisers.


We will continue to be using the TenTen resources for RSE, and a programme called 1 decision to teach PHSE.

Knowledge Organisers

Year 2 Books Knowledge Organiser

Thanksgiving Knowledge Organiser

Opportunities Knowledge Organiser


Each half term, we will look at the 4 calculations as well as other areas of maths, such as shape and time! Our homework is designed to revisit past learning as well as explore further the current learning we are doing. If you want to find out more about our maths curriculum, please visit the maths curriculum page of our website.

Reading and Writing

Children will still continue to learn their sounds and reading skills through RWI. Please continue to use the reading books at home to encourage word reading development, as well as understanding the text.

Each time we explore a new key text, a copy will always be sent home in homework books so that the children are able to practice the stories at home.

Science, History and Geography

This term in science, we will cover a range of topics at a basic/advanced level. The idea is we then revisit these topics again later on in the year at a deeper level. So we will cover everything from plants, to animals, to materials and more!

Within History we are looking at: Neil Armstrong and discussing the space race, the first aeroplane flight and Florence Nightingale. In Geography we are having a focus on the UK countries and capital cities.  Below you can find knowledge organisers for these topics to discuss with children at home.

Knowledge Organisers

Florence Nightingale Knowledge Organiser

First Aeroplane Flight Knowledge Organiser

Neil Armstrong And 1st Man On The Moon Knowledge Organiser

London Knowledge Organiser

Belfast Knowledge Organiser

Edinburgh Knowledge Organiser

Cardiff Knowledge Organiser