Welcome to Class 8

Class teachers:

Mrs Webb (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Mrs Read (Thursday, Friday)

Class Teaching Assistants : Mrs Stringer and Mrs Pegg

Welcome Back!

We hope that you managed to have a relaxing Christmas break. We are looking forward to a refreshing and busy Lent term. Please find our Lent class newsletter below which will hopefully provide some useful information for the upcoming term.

If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact us on our class email address which is class8@stgeorges.derby.sch.uk we will do my very best to respond to you as quickly as we can (and definitely within 48 hours) but please note that we will be unable to respond within the school day so if your query is urgent, please contact the office in the first instant and they will get a message to us.

Class 8 Timetable

Important dates:

Class assembly: Thursday 6th June

Our ‘Golden Rules’

At St. George’s we expect all children to be well behaved and ready to learn. Remember that each new term is a fresh start. Here is a reminder of our school rules so that you know what we expect from you.

  • Treat other people how you would like to be treated.
  • Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  • Always do as you are told straight away.u
  • Play your part in keeping our school clean and tidy.
  • If you have nothing nice to say – say nothing at all.
  • Respect other people and their property.
  • Walk around school quietly, on the left and in single file.

During our transition days we discussed and agreed what our class rules will be and devised a video to demonstrate how to follow them in class and around school.

Important Class Information

Homework is given out on a Monday and needs to be handed in on the following Friday. Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays, please make sure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed on these days or taped up. Children will be responsible for changing their own reading books, we continue to expect children to read at least 5 times a week. Children will be rewarded with house points for doing this.


Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check June 2024

Information For Parents Multiplication Tables Check

Parent Booklet

Parent Workshop For Year 4 Parents MTC

You can support your Children with their Year 4 Times Table Check by regularly practising their times tables. Please read the parent information above which also shares some practical ideas. You can also use the websites below:


You can log onto TTRockstars using a mobile phone or tablet please see link further down page.

Also below we have included links to other websites to support your child with learning their times tables and you can check out our maths page on the school website.





TT Rockstars

Please complete TT rockstars and My Book Blog weekly. You will find the links below:

It has recently been brought to our attention that some pupils have been unable to login with their username and password but there is no error coming up just the page refreshes and asks for the username and password again, they need to type in the following website and try logging in again and it should work.

Website they need to type in to the address bar : play.ttrockstars.com/reset

TT Rockstars
Times table practice

Book blog

Follow the link below to find the St George’s Book Blog login page


List of My Book Blog Books you could read at home

Parent Information about My Book Blog

Parent Questions For Reading Bookmarks.

Other Useful Websites:

Top Marks
Maths and English games

ICT Games
Maths and English games

Listen to Stories Online!

You can now listen to authors reading their own books via Youtube. How exciting! Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions on the web page.

Authors Reading Stories
David Walliams reading some of his books
Resources for children with additional needs

Learning Resources

Look below for different resources to help you further develop your learning.

Knowledge Organisers

We have been learning lots in our topics and we have condensed the learning into single pages. Why not try and learn the key information on the pages as a family? You could even make up little quizzes to test each other around the dinner table!

Science Knowledge Organisers
Geography UK Knowledge Organisers

Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser #1.pdf
Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser #2.pdf
Roman Britain 1.pdf
Roman Britain 2.pdf
Viking Invaders.pdf
Stone Age .pdf

RE Homes Knowledge Organiser

RE Called Knowledge Organiser