School Meals

School meals are provided by Derbyshire County Council and cooked on site.

The meals are nutritionally balanced and cater for most tastes.  A vegetarian meal is on the menu every day. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view the lunch choices.

The meals cost £16.65 per week (£3.33 per day).

Dinner money ffrom Lent 1 2025 will be £16.65 per week. Only pupils in Years 3-6 need to pay for a school dinner and those in receipt of Pupil Premium do not need to pay at all.  Dinner money should be paid online via Parentmail. We don’t mind children having school meals on set days e.g. every Friday, but these must be paid for in full at the beginning of the half term.  Dinner money payment/booking for next term is now open on ParentMail.

The school budget cannot subsidise any costs accrued.

Universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) provides funding for all government funded schools. 

Pupil premium children will continue to receive free meals past the age of 7.

If you feel you may be entitled to free school meals for your child, please click on the link below. Please contact the office if you would like any further information or support.

All children in FS2 – Year 2 are entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal.

Derby City Council – Free School Meal Application Form


School Meal Options (from November 2024)

We work on a three week cycle. Here are our current dinner menus (the dates are at the top of each of the weeks) click on the image to see the whole thing.

Please note, that our school will have the option of a jacket potato alongside the other two main choices. There will no longer be a sandwich option, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Pasta will also no longer be a meal option.