Welcome to Class 9’s Homepage

Who is teaching in Class 9?

Miss Baines Teaching Assistant

Mrs Archer Teacher

Miss Adams Teaching Assistant and French teacher

Hi everybody! Welcome to Class 9’s homepage. Here you’ll find all the information you need to help you with your learning this year in Class 9.

If you have any questions please feel free to speak to the class teacher on the school playground before or after school or you can email using the address below. I will try to respond within within 48 hours with the exception of weekends/holidays. If it is an urgent enquiry please contact the office.


Our ‘Golden Rules’

At St. George’s we expect all children to be well behaved and ready to learn. Remember that each new term is a fresh start. Here is a reminder of our school rules so that you know what we expect from you.

  • Treat other people how you would like to be treated.
  • Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  • Always do as you are told straight away.
  • Play your part in keeping our school clean and tidy.
  • If you have nothing nice to say – say nothing at all.
  • Respect other people and their property.
  • Walk around school quietly, on the left and in single file.

Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check June 2025

Information For Parents Multiplication Tables Check

Parent Booklet

Parent Workshop For Year 4 Parents MTC

You can support your Children with their Year 4 Times Table Check by regularly practising their times tables. Please read the parent information above which also shares some practical ideas. You can also use the websites below:

You can log onto TTRockstars using a mobile phone or tablet: https://ttrockstars.com/

Also below I have included links to other websites to support you in learning your times tables and you can check out our maths page on the school website.





Big Maths Login!

You can now do your CLIC tests, Beat That! Tests and Safe Challenges online.

Follow the link:



School code: 0029

Username: First name.Surname

Password: Abc123 (Capital A)

Let’s see if you can beat your score each week.

Learning Resources

Look below for different resources to help you further develop your learning.

Knowledge Organisers

We’ve been learning lots in our topics and we’ve condensed the learning into single pages. Why not try and learn the key information on the pages as a family. You could even make up little quizzes to test each other around the tea table!

Science Knowledge Organisers
Geography UK Knowledge Organisers

Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser #1.pdf
Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser #2.pdf
Roman Britain 1.pdf
Roman Britain 2.pdf
Viking Invaders.pdf
Stone Age .pdf

RE Homes Knowledge Organiser

RE Called Knowledge Organiser


Reading can be a wonderful shared experience. It’s useful to make a routine with your child so that you can share reading five times each week. Setting a regular time can be helpful. Find a comfortable place where you can share the book, preferably away from other distractions. It’s better to have 10 minutes of quiet, uninterrupted reading together than half an hour in a room full of hustle and bustle. Try and ask your child questions about the story – there are some examples of questions you can ask on the document below. Remember – please sign to say you have read with your child and make a positive comment about how they have done.

Parent Questions For Reading Bookmarks
Reading Support ideas



Spelling Guide for Year 3 and 4
Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words
Times Table Rockstars
Get up to speed with your times tables! Once you’ve logged in, remember – you need to work in the Soundcheck section
Below is the link for Big Maths. Here you can complete your CLIC test and Learn Its test each week.

The School Code: 0029

Username: Firstname.Lastname

Password: Abc123


CLIC 13 Parent Pack 
By the end of Year 4, we should confidently know ALL of our times tables – up to 12!!!

Do you know all of your times tables?

How about trying out these online games to help?

Don’t forget to try TTRockstars too and see if you can speed up your time and achieve Headliner status (or better!)

Can you reach the leaderboard?


More Useful Weblinks

Authors Reading Stories

Listen to Stories Online!

You can now listen to authors reading their own books via Youtube. How exciting! Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions on the web page.

Cosmic Kids Yoga
Great for fitness, relaxation and your mental health